Murali Dhananjey

My Story

Most of my 20s were based out of Chennai and Bangalore, and I’ve spent endless time on basketball courts, jam rooms and friends’ couches through the years. Started my career with a brief stint in the EY advisory team, completed my MBA in Finance, and I’ve worked in Investment Banking covering Healthcare, Manufacturing and Technology sectors.

How I got into investment banking?

Completing a few years in Advisory & corporate strategy helped me discover my aspiration to work in consulting & in finance. Investment Banking offered the best of both worlds, and I got a break into the industry post my MBA.

What keeps me up at night?

Neil De Grasse Tyson and Joe Rogan Podcasts.

My inspirations

Kobe Bryant because of his work-ethic and Alexi Laiho because he introduced me to the world of Metal.

My focus/interest

Anything about Healthcare, Geopolitics, Anthropology or human physiology.

What excites me? 

The profound impact even one visionary can have on our lives in a truly integrated world.

Best piece of advice given to me

Grind until you’re in a position to get lucky.

My advice to entrepreneurs

Tacit knowledge works best when combined with explicit knowledge.

What IndigoEdge is to me?

Home court advantage given to play a much bigger role in banking.

Cooling off

Swim, binge watch content, shop, eat and sleep – in that order.